# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: Alien Vault
# Maintainer URL: https://www.alienvault.com/
# Information: IP reputation database
# Name: ALTTOR
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: Tor Network Status
# Maintainer URL: http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/
# Information: TOR Exit Nodes List
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Autoshun.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.autoshun.org/
# Information: Autoshun Shun List
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Bambenek Consulting
# Maintainer URL: http://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/
# Information: Master feed of known, active and non-sinkholed C&Cs IP addresses
# Name: BDE
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de
# Information: Blocklist.de attacking IP addresses (last hour)
# Name: BDEALL
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de
# Information: Blocklist.de attacking IP addresses (all)
# Name: BDS_ATIF
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: Binary Defense Systems
# Maintainer URL: https://www.binarydefense.com/
# Information: Artillery Threat Intelligence Feed and Banlist Feed
# Name: BFB
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Daniel Gerzo
# Maintainer URL: http://danger.rulez.sk/index.php/bruteforceblocker/
# Information: BruteForceBlocker IP List
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: Blockchain.info
# Maintainer URL: https://blockchain.info/en/connected-nodes
# Information: Bitcoin nodes connected to Blockchain.info.
# Name: BI_ANY_2_1D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category any with score above 2 and age less than 1d
# Name: BI_ANY_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category any with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_ANY_2_7D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category any with score above 2 and age less than 7d
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category bruteforce with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_FTP_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category ftp with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_HTTP_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category http with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_MAIL_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category mail with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_PROXY_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category proxy with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_SQL_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category sql with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_SSH_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category ssh with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Name: BI_VOIP_2_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: BadIPs.com
# Maintainer URL: https://www.badips.com/
# Information: Bad IPs in category voip with score above 2 and age less than 30d
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: IPs that have been detected by fail2ban in the last 48 hours
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours as having run attacks on the service Apache,
# Apache-DDOS, RFI-Attacks.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours as having run attacks on the RFI-Attacks, REG-Bots,
# IRC-Bots or BadBots (BadBots = he has posted a Spam-Comment on a open Forum or Wiki) .
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IPs which attacks Joomlas, Wordpress and other Web-Logins with Brute-Force Logins.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours for attacks on the Service FTP.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours for attacks on the Service imap, sasl, pop3, etc.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours as having run attacks on the service Mail, Postfix.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses that tried to login in a SIP, VOIP or Asterisk Server and are included in the IPs list from
# infiltrated.net
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IP addresses which have been reported within the last 48 hours as having run attacks on the service SSH.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Blocklist.de
# Maintainer URL: https://www.blocklist.de/
# Information: All IPs which are older then 2 month and have more then 5.000 attacks.
# Category: abuse
# Maintainer: blocklist.net.ua
# Maintainer URL: https://blocklist.net.ua
# Information: The BlockList project was created to become protection against negative influence of the harmful and potentially
# dangerous events on the Internet. First of all this service will help internet and hosting providers to protect
# subscribers sites from being hacked. BlockList will help to stop receiving a large amount of spam from dubious SMTP
# relays or from attempts of brute force passwords to servers and network equipment.
# Name: BM_TOR
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: torstatus.blutmagie.de
# Maintainer URL: https://torstatus.blutmagie.de/
# Information: List of all TOR network servers
# Name: BOGON
# Category: unroutable
# Maintainer: Team Cymru
# Maintainer URL: http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/Bogons/
# Information: Private and reserved addresses defined by RFC 1918, RFC 5735, and RFC 6598 and netblocks that have not been allocated to
# a regional internet registry
# Category: abuse
# Maintainer: BotScout.com
# Maintainer URL: http://botscout.com/
# Information: Helps prevent automated web scripts, known as bots, from registering on forums, polluting databases, spreading spam, and
# abusing forms on web sites. They do this by tracking the names, IPs, and email addresses that bots use and logging them
# as unique signatures for future reference. They also provide a simple yet powerful API that you can use to test forms
# when they're submitted on your site. This list is composed of the most recently-caught bots.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: danger.rulez.sk
# Maintainer URL: http://danger.rulez.sk/index.php/bruteforceblocker/
# Information: (fail2ban alternative for SSH on OpenBSD) . This is an automatically generated list from users reporting failed
# authentication attempts. An IP seems to be included if 3 or more users report it. Its retention pocily seems 30 days.
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ChaosReigns.com
# Maintainer URL: http://www.chaosreigns.com/iprep
# Information: The iprep0 list includes all IPs that sent only spam emails. This is an automated, free, public email IP reputation
# system.
# Name: CIARMY
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: Collective Intelligence Network Security
# Maintainer URL: http://ciarmy.com/
# Information: IPs with poor Rogue Packet score that have not yet been identified as malicious by the community
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: Clean-MX.de
# Maintainer URL: http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses.php
# Information: IPs with viruses
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: CruzIt.com
# Maintainer URL: http://www.cruzit.com/wbl.php
# Information: IPs of compromised machines scanning for vulnerabilities and DDOS attacks
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Cyber Threat Alliance
# Maintainer URL: http://www.cyberthreatalliance.org/cryptowall-dashboard.html
# Information: Cyber Threat Alliance CryptoWall is one of the most lucrative and broad-reaching ransomware campaigns affecting Internet
# users today. Sharing intelligence and analysis resources, the CTA profiled the latest version of CryptoWall, which
# impacted hundreds of thousands of users, resulting in over US $325 million in damages worldwide.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: darklist.de
# Maintainer URL: http://www.darklist.de/
# Information: Ssh fail2ban reporting
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Dragon Research Group (DRG)
# Maintainer URL: http://www.dragonresearchgroup.org/
# Information: IPs that have been seen sending HTTP requests to Dragon Research Pods in the last 7 days. This report lists hosts that
# are highly suspicious and are likely conducting malicious HTTP attacks. LEGITIMATE SEARCH ENGINE BOTS MAY BE IN THIS
# LIST. This report is informational. It is not a blacklist, but some operators may choose to use it to help protect
# their networks and hosts in the forms of automated reporting and mitigation services.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Dragon Research Group (DRG)
# Maintainer URL: http://www.dragonresearchgroup.org/
# Information: IP address that has been seen attempting to remotely login to a host using SSH password authentication, in the last 7
# days. This report lists hosts that are highly suspicious and are likely conducting malicious SSH password authentication
# attacks.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Dragon Research Group (DRG)
# Maintainer URL: http://www.dragonresearchgroup.org/
# Information: IP address that has been seen attempting to remotely connect to a host running the VNC application service, in the last
# 7 days. This report lists hosts that are highly suspicious and are likely conducting malicious VNC probes or VNC brute
# force attacks.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: DShield.org
# Maintainer URL: https://dshield.org/
# Information: Top 20 attacking class C (/24) subnets over the last three days
# Name: ET_BLOCK
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: Default blacklist (at the time of writing includes spamhaus DROP, dshield and abuse.ch trackers, which are available
# separately too - prefer to use the direct ipsets instead of this, they seem to lag a bit in updates)
# Name: ET_BOTCC
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: These IPs are updates every 24 hours and should be considered VERY highly reliable indications that a host is
# communicating with a known and active Bot or Malware command and control server - (although they say this includes
# abuse.ch trackers, it does not - check its overlaps)
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: Compromised hosts
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: Dshield blocklist
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: Spamhaus blocklist
# Name: ET_TOR
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: Emerging Threats
# Maintainer URL: http://www.emergingthreats.net/
# Information: Of TOR network IPs
# Name: FEODO
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Abuse.ch
# Maintainer URL: https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/
# Information: Trojan includes IPs which are being used by Feodo (also known as Cridex or Bugat) which commits ebanking fraud
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: GreenSnow.co
# Maintainer URL: https://greensnow.co/
# Information: Is a team harvesting a large number of IPs from different computers located around the world. GreenSnow is comparable
# with SpamHaus.org for attacks of any kind except for spam. Their list is updated automatically and you can withdraw at
# any time your IP address if it has been listed. Attacks / bruteforce that are monitored are: Scan Port, FTP, POP3,
# mod_security, IMAP, SMTP, SSH, cPanel, etc.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Project Honeypot
# Maintainer URL: http://www.projecthoneypot.org
# Information: Project Honey Pot Directory of Dictionary Attacker IPs
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ImproWare Antispam
# Maintainer URL: http://antispam.imp.ch/
# Information: IPs sending spam, in the last 3 days
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ImproWare Antispam
# Maintainer URL: http://antispam.imp.ch/
# Information: IPs sending emails with viruses or worms, in the last 3 days
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: The LashBack Unsubscribe Blacklist
# Maintainer URL: http://blacklist.lashback.com/
# Information: The Unsubscribe Blacklist (UBL) is a real-time blacklist of IP addresses which are sending email to names harvested
# from suppression files (this is a big list, more than 500.000 IPs)
# Name: MALC0DE
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: malc0de.com
# Maintainer URL: http://malc0de.com/
# Information: Malicious IPs of the last 30 days
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: MalwareDomainList.com
# Maintainer URL: http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/
# Information: List of malware active ip addresses
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: Maxmind
# Maintainer URL: https://www.maxmind.com/en/anonymous_proxies
# Information: MaxMind GeoIP Anonymous Proxies
# Name: MYIP
# Category: abuse
# Maintainer: MyIP.ms
# Maintainer URL: http://myip.ms/
# Information: IPs identified as web bots in the last 10 days, using several sites that require human action
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: NoThink.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.nothink.org/
# Information: Malware DNS (the original list includes hostnames and domains, which are ignored)
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: NoThink.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.nothink.org/
# Information: Malware HTTP
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: NoThink.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.nothink.org/
# Information: Malware IRC
# Name: NT_SSH_7D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: NoThink.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.nothink.org/
# Information: Last 7 days SSH attacks
# Name: OPENBL
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: https://www.openbl.org
# Information: OpenBL.org 30 day List
# Name: OPENBL_180D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 180 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_1D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 24 hours IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_30D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 30 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_360D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 360 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_60D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 60 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_7D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 7 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Name: OPENBL_90D
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last 90 days IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: OpenBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.openbl.org/
# Information: Last all IPs. OpenBL.org is detecting, logging and reporting various types of internet abuse.
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: PacketMail.net
# Maintainer URL: https://www.packetmail.net/iprep.txt
# Information: IP addresses have been detected performing TCP SYN to to a non-listening service or daemon. No
# assertion is made, nor implied, that any of the below listed IP addresses are accurate, malicious, hostile, or engaged
# in nefarious acts. Use this list at your own risk.
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ProjectHoneypot.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/
# Information: Comment spammers (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ProjectHoneypot.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/
# Information: Directory attackers (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ProjectHoneypot.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/
# Information: Harvesters (IPs that surf the internet looking for email addresses) (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: ProjectHoneypot.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/
# Information: Spam servers (IPs used by spammers to send messages) (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: ProxyLists.net
# Maintainer URL: http://www.proxylists.net/
# Information: Open proxies (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: ProxySpy (spys.ru)
# Maintainer URL: http://spys.ru/en/
# Information: Open proxies (updated hourly)
# Name: SBLAM
# Category: abuse
# Maintainer: sblam.com
# Maintainer URL: http://sblam.com/
# Information: IPs used by web form spammers, during the last month
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: AutoShun.org
# Maintainer URL: http://autoshun.org/
# Information: IPs identified as hostile by correlating logs from distributed snort installations running the autoshun plugin
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: Snort.org Labs
# Maintainer URL: https://labs.snort.org/
# Information: Supplied IP blacklist (this list seems to be updated frequently, but we found no information about it)
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: Spamhaus
# Maintainer URL: http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/
# Information: Do not Route Or Peer List (DROP)
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: Spamhaus
# Maintainer URL: http://www.spamhaus.org/drop/
# Information: Spamhaus Extended DROP List (EDROP)
# Name: SSLBL
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Abuse.ch
# Maintainer URL: https://sslbl.abuse.ch/
# Information: Bad SSL traffic related to malware or botnet activities
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Abuse.ch
# Maintainer URL: https://sslbl.abuse.ch/
# Information: The aggressive version of the SSL IP Blacklist contains all IPs that SSLBL ever detected being associated with a
# malicious SSL certificate. Since IP addresses can be reused (e.g. when the customer changes) , this blacklist may cause
# false positives.
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: TalosIntel.com
# Maintainer URL: http://talosintel.com/
# Information: List of known malicious network threats
# Name: TOR
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: Torproject
# Maintainer URL: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorDNSExitList
# Information: TOR Exit Nodes List
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: TorProject.org
# Maintainer URL: https://www.torproject.org/
# Information: List of all current TOR exit points (TorDNSEL)
# Category: reputation
# Maintainer: TrustedSec
# Maintainer URL: https://www.trustedsec.com/
# Information: Artillery Threat Intelligence Feed and Banlist Feed
# Name: VIRBL
# Category: spam
# Maintainer: VirBL.bit.nl
# Maintainer URL: http://virbl.bit.nl/
# Information: Is a project of which the idea was born during the RIPE-48 meeting. The plan was to get reports of virusscanning
# mailservers, and put the IP-addresses that were reported to send viruses on a blacklist.
# Name: VOIPBL
# Category: attacks
# Maintainer: VoIPBL.org
# Maintainer URL: http://www.voipbl.org/
# Information: A distributed VoIP blacklist that is aimed to protects against VoIP Fraud and minimizing abuse for network that have
# publicly accessible PBX's. Several algorithms, external sources and manual confirmation are used before they categorize
# something as an attack and determine the threat level.
# Name: XROXY
# Category: anonymizers
# Maintainer: Xroxy.com
# Maintainer URL: http://www.xroxy.com/
# Information: Open proxies (this list is composed using an RSS feed)
# Name: ZEUS
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Abuse.ch
# Maintainer URL: https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/
# Information: Standard, contains the same data as the ZeuS IP blocklist (zeus_badips) but with the slight difference that it do not
# exclude hijacked websites (level 2) and free web hosting providers (level 3) . This means that this blocklist contains
# all IPv4 addresses associated with ZeuS C&Cs which are currently being tracked by ZeuS Tracker. Hence this blocklist
# will likely cause some false positives.
# Category: malware
# Maintainer: Abuse.ch
# Maintainer URL: https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/
# Information: Badips includes IPv4 addresses that are used by the ZeuS trojan. It is the recommened blocklist if you want to block
# only ZeuS IPs. It excludes IP addresses that ZeuS Tracker believes to be hijacked (level 2) or belong to a free web
# hosting provider (level 3) . Hence the false postive rate should be much lower compared to the standard ZeuS IP
# blocklist.